Thread Lift 埋线修脸
什么是 Thread Lift 埋线修脸?

什么是 Thread Lift 埋线修脸?
In Singapore, Thread Lift is a non-surgical treatment that aids in the restoration of our facial features by elevating sagging tissues and repositioning facial volumes for a more youthful appearance.
Threads can be made of a variety of materials and come in different types- Mono, Twisted/Tornado or Cog.
Face threads (Mono, Twisted / Cogs) are usually made of PDO (polydioxanone), PLLA (Poly L. Lactic Acid) or PCL (polycaprolactone) material used for stitching wounds in surgeries. PDO and PLLA material dissolves and are reabsorbed naturally in the body over time – approximately 12 months for PDO and up to 2 years for PLLA – leaving no residual material behind.
The threads are bio-stimulatory, with barbed hooks that lift efficiently while also stimulating collagen formation and tissue contraction to preserve and prolong the efficacy of the face thread lift even after the threads have dissolved.

这些脸线(单股、扭曲 / 齿轮)通常由 PDO(聚对二氧或聚己内酯)、PLLA(聚乳酸)或 PCL(聚己内酯)材料制成,用于缝合手术中的伤口。 PDO 和 PLLA 材料随着时间的推移会溶解并在体内自然重新吸收 - PDO 大约 12 个月,PLLA 最多 2 年 - 不留任何残留物。
Thread Lift 埋线修脸基于什么原理奏效?
为什么选择 Thread Lift 埋线修脸?
疗程中使用的脸线是可生物降解的,这意味着它们会在体内自然分解。 完成该疗程后,可以立即看到效果。
这些脸线还促进体内胶原蛋白的再生。 随着胶原蛋白在治疗后的几个月内开始自我重组,面部的肤色将逐渐改善。
Thread Lift 埋线修脸有助于:
- 去除细纹和皱纹
- 打造更清晰的下颚线
- 加强皮肤结构
- 提升下垂的眉毛、脸颊、颈部和脸部中下
- 光滑法令纹
- 修复不对称眉毛的对称性
- 让整体外观焕然一新
Thread Lift 埋线修脸基于什么原理奏效?
Different types of threads are frequently needed for different areas.
Mono threads are thin monofilament (single stranded) threads with a smooth surface that are especially beneficial for skin tightening, volumizing, and toning.
Twisted/Tornado threads are one or more mono threads that have been twisted over the needle/cannula or between themselves to add tension and volume.
Individual considerations will determine the type and number of threads required which our Doctor will do an assessment prior to the treatment.
The implanted threads operate as a “reinforcement” material for your skin, similar to pillars in a building that provide additional structural strength and volume. The presence of the threads’ substance within the skin also activates the skin’s healing response and stimulates collagen production in the area, rejuvenating it.
Why Thread Lift and what are the benefits?
The threads used in the treatment are biodegradable, which means that they are naturally broken down by the body.
The small barbs on these threads anchor to the subcutaneous fat tissue beneath the skin, lifting the skin. The results can be observed right away after the procedure. These threads also encourage the body to regenerate collagen.
Collagen is a protein found in the body that provides structure to the skin. The body creates less collagen as we get older, which causes the folds and wrinkles we see. As a result, as the collagen begins to reorganize itself in the months following the treatment, the complexion of the face will gradually improve.
Thread Lift 埋线修脸有助于:
- Remove fine lines and wrinkles.
- Create a more defined jawline.
- Strengthen skin structure.
Lift sagging eyebrows, cheeks, neck, and middle and lower face. - Smoothen nasolabial folds.
Rejuvenate overall appearance. - Fix the symmetry of uneven eyebrows.
每次Thread Lift 埋线修脸疗程通常需要大约 40 到 60 分钟,具体取决于治疗区域。 这就是为什么它有时被称为“午餐时间修脸”。
疗程后立即可以看到明显的提拉。 然而,随着脸线周围新的胶原蛋白形成,脸线提拉的全部效果通常需要 3 个月才能显示出来。
这些脸线将在 9 至 12 个月内完全溶解。 另一方面,您的脸会看到整体皮肤收紧、体积恢复和面部特征的增强清晰度,使其外观更加紧致。 对于想要保持效果的患者,可能会建议重复疗程。
效果通常会维持一到两年。 治疗后大约 9 到 12 个月,这些脸线会完全溶解。 另一方面,皮肤会再保持 12 到 18 个月的提拉状态。
您可以选择在大约 18 个月后重复该疗程,因为后续治疗的效果持续时间会比第一次长。
Thread Lift 埋线修脸的复原期非常短。 您可以在疗程后立即恢复日常活动。
- 避免剧烈的体力活动
- 避免去牙科治疗
- 避免做出剧烈的脸部动作
- 至少 2 天避免化妆和使用厚重的面霜
- 至少 1 周内避免饮酒、游泳和桑拿
- 避免面部按摩至少 3 周
Thread Lift 埋线修脸是一种安全的程序,具有轻微和轻微的暂时影响。
在通常持续 1-2 周的愈合期间,患者也可能会感到轻微的酸痛。
Each Thread Lift treatment session typically take around 40 – 60 mins, depending on treatment area. That is why it is sometimes known as the “lunch time face lift”.
疗程后立即可以看到明显的提拉。 然而,随着脸线周围新的胶原蛋白形成,脸线提拉的全部效果通常需要 3 个月才能显示出来。
The threads would have dissolved entirely in 9-12 months. Your face, on the other hand, will have seen overall skin tightening, volume restoration, and enhanced definition of facial features, giving it a more firmed appearance.
Repeated treatments may be recommended for patients who want to maintain their results.
效果通常会维持一到两年。 治疗后大约 9 到 12 个月,这些脸线会完全溶解。 另一方面,皮肤会再保持 12 到 18 个月的提拉状态。
您可以选择在大约 18 个月后重复该疗程,因为后续治疗的效果持续时间会比第一次长。
Downtime for Thread Lift is very minimal. You can resume your daily activities immediately after the procedure. Immediately after the procedure, there might be some slight bruising, pain and swelling around the treated areas, but these are merely temporary and will heal quickly. However, after the treatment, we would recommend our patients to:
- Avoid strenuous physical activity.
- Avoid going for dental treatments.
- 避免做出剧烈的脸部动作
- 至少 2 天避免化妆和使用厚重的面霜
- Avoid alcohol, swimming and saunas for least 1 week.
- Avoid facial massages for at least 3 weeks.
Thread Lift 埋线修脸是一种安全的程序,具有轻微和轻微的暂时影响。
在通常持续 1-2 周的愈合期间,患者也可能会感到轻微的酸痛。