HIKO 线雕隆鼻

什么是 HIKO 线雕隆鼻?

HIKO 线雕隆鼻是在韩国开发的一种非手术疗程。


“HIKO” 这个词在韩语中的意思是“高鼻子”。

HIKO 线雕隆鼻适用于拉直鼻子,赋予其轮廓轮廓,以及治疗弯曲的鼻子。


它还避免了鼻子填充物存在的任何问题,例如迁移或形成肿块。 使用 HIKO 线雕隆鼻,鼻子看起来更苗条,更直。

HIKO Nose at Lloyds Medical Group

什么是 HIKO 线雕隆鼻?

The Hiko Nose thread lift, a non-surgical method developed in Korea, is the most recent non-surgical procedure to help patients augment their nose.
In Korean, the word “Hiko” means “High Nose.”
The minimally invasive, non-surgical method is a safe and effective way to get a taller, straighter, and more defined nose without surgery.
HIKO Nose uses small absorbable threads to stimulate your own collagen to improve the appearance of your nose.
The threads allow the sharpening and straightening of the nose and the nose tip. The result is natural and long lasting

HIKO Nose at Lloyds Medical Group

HIKO 线雕隆鼻基于什么原理奏效?

在 HIKO 线雕隆鼻过程中,将单独的短(3.8 厘米至 7 厘米)线插入鼻梁或鼻小柱。 


为什么选择 HIKO 线雕隆鼻?

与鼻子填充剂比,HIKO 线雕隆鼻可以持续长达 2 年,使其成为更持久的选择。 

与鼻子填充剂不同,HIKO线雕隆鼻不会随着时间的推移而移动或扩散。 随着鼻线的溶解,它可以帮助刺激胶原蛋白的产生,使鼻子看起来仍然很自然。

HIKO 线雕隆鼻有助于实现:

HIKO 线雕隆鼻基于什么原理奏效?

The Hiko Nose thread lift, a non-surgical method developed in Korea, is the most recent non-surgical procedure to help patients augment their nose.
In Korean, the word “Hiko” means “High Nose.”
The minimally invasive, non-surgical method is a safe and effective way to get a taller, straighter, and more defined nose without surgery.
HIKO Nose uses small absorbable threads to stimulate your own collagen to improve the appearance of your nose.
The threads allow the sharpening and straightening of the nose and the nose tip. The result is natural and long lasting

为什么选择 HIKO 线雕隆鼻?

Compared to nose fillers, HIKO Nose thread lifts can last up to two years, giving it a more long-lasting option.
Unlike fillers, HIKO Nose thread lifts do not shift or spread over time. As the nose threads dissolve, it can help to stimulate collagen production so that the nose still looks naturally defined.

HIKO 线雕隆鼻有助于实现:

  • Straighter contoured definition.
  • Higher nose bridge.
  • Lifter nose tip.
  • Sharper nose tip.
  • Slimmer, more elegant nose.


每次 HIKO 线雕隆鼻疗程通常需要大约 20 到 30 分钟。 这就是为什么它在亚洲被称为“午餐时间的鼻子整形”,并在我们的患者中越来越受欢迎。

HIKO 线雕隆鼻提升的效果立竿见影。 当胶原蛋白刺激被完全激活时,预计在隆鼻后 1 到 2 个月即可获得完整的结果。

对于 HIKO 鼻线,即使线在 18 至 24 个月后开始溶解,由于刺激胶原蛋白,效果可能会持续 24 至 36 个月。

只需要 1 次 HIKO 线雕隆鼻疗程。 但是,如果您想要最好的效果,您应该在一年后安排后续预约。 通过定期刺激和在鼻子中产生胶原蛋白,可以注意到一些永久性的提升。

待治疗的鼻部区域将在评估后进行清洁和消毒。 之后,我们的医生将涂抹麻醉霜并进行麻醉注射,以确保整个 HIKO 线雕隆鼻疗程过程无疼痛。

HIKO 线雕隆鼻疗程后,患者可以恢复正常生活并立即化妆。

没有已知的副作用,但可能会出现一些暂时的肿胀,通常会在几个小时内消失。 鼻梁周围也可能有一些轻微的瘀伤,通常几天后就会消失。


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