什么是 CoolSculpting® 冷冻溶脂?
CoolSculpting® 冷冻溶脂是一种非侵入性减脂治疗,可去除您身体上 20-25% 的脂肪,并获得美国 FDA(食品和药物管理局)的批准。
它使用冷冻溶脂(脂肪冷冻)技术来冷冻不需要的脂肪细胞并将其从体内清除。 冷冻和结晶的脂肪细胞通常会从体内排出。
CoolSculpting® 冷冻溶脂使医生能够以任何其他局部调色方法无法达到的精确度进行斑点减少和塑身。 结果是自然的,这种治疗没有复原期。

What is Fat-Freezing Technology Treatment?
Fat-freezing technology is a nonsurgical, scientifically proven method to reduce stubborn fat pockets in areas like the abdomen, flanks, and under the chin in as little as one session.
This FDA-approved treatment safely targets fat cells by freezing them without surgery or needles. The freezing process causes fat cells to break down and naturally clear from the body. When combined with advanced applicators, results can be achieved faster and with less discomfort.
Target Areas
This treatment effectively reduces stubborn fat in areas resistant to diet and exercise, including:
- Love handles
- 双下巴
- Bra fat
- Post-pregnancy tummy bulges
- 大腿内侧
- 手臂上方
- Clinically proven fat reduction
- Non-invasive with no downtime
- Safe and effective for targeted fat removal
- Quick recovery, allowing a return to normal activities immediately

CoolSculpting® 冷冻溶脂基于什么原理奏效?
CoolSculpting® 冷冻溶脂不需要任何针头或手术切口。 在此疗程中,将凝胶垫和非侵入性涂抹器放置在皮肤表面,以提供精确控制的冷却,以靶向和破坏身体特定部位的脂肪细胞。
因此,效果是长期的。 未处理区域的脂肪细胞分布将保持不变。
为什么选择 CoolSculpting® 冷冻溶脂?
与吸脂等通常的减脂疗程不同,CoolSculpting® 是完全无创的,几乎不需要复原期。 这是非常有效的,因为冷冻的脂肪细胞会通过它的自然消除过程离开我们的身体。
只需一次 CoolSculpting® 冷冻溶脂疗程,您就可以预期减少约 20% 至 25% 的脂肪。
CoolSculpting® 冷冻溶脂是以下部位的理想疗程:
- 侧翼,又名“爱把柄”
- 大腿内侧
- 大腿外侧
- 手臂上方
- 腹部
- 背部和胸罩脂肪
- 臀部下面的脂肪
- 双下巴
How Do Fat-Freezing Technology Treatment Work?
Facial sculpting treatments require no needles or surgical incisions. A gel pad and non-invasive applicator are placed on the skin’s surface to deliver precision-controlled cooling, targeting and destroying fat cells in specific areas of the body.
In the first few minutes, the applicator gently brings the bulge up between two cooling panels, with a firm pull and an intense chill sensation.
Fat cells that are treated become crystallized (frozen), then gradually die off and are eliminated through the body’s natural process.
As a result, the effects are long-lasting, and the distribution of fat cells in untreated areas remains unchanged.
Why Fat-Freezing Technology Treatment?
Unlike traditional fat-reduction procedures such as liposuction, this treatment is completely non-invasive and requires little to no downtime. It is highly effective, as the frozen fat cells are naturally eliminated by the body.
With just one treatment, you can expect to see about a 20%-25% reduction in fat.
This treatment is ideal for the following areas:
- Flanks (aka “love handles”)
- 大腿内侧
- 大腿外侧
- 手臂上方
- 腹部
- 背部和胸罩脂肪
- 臀部下面的脂肪
- 双下巴
每次疗程需要 35 到 75 分钟,具体取决于治疗的区域。
大多数患者在治疗后 2 周左右可以看到一些效果,但脂肪细胞会在接下来的 3 个月内继续被冲洗掉。 当 CoolSculpting® 冷冻溶脂与均衡的饮食和积极的生活方式相结合时,可以达到最佳效果。
虽然每次 CoolSculpting 冷冻溶脂疗程可消除目标区域约 20-25% 的脂肪细胞,但如有必要,可以重复该疗程以获得所需的效果。
顾名思义,CoolSculpting® 冷冻溶脂疗程可能有点冷。 为了冷冻目标脂肪,通过涂抹器进行受控冷却。 尽管一开始您可能会感到很冷,但随着该区域的麻醉,这种感觉通常会消失。 由于大多数涂抹器使用吸力将脂肪组织吸入涂抹器杯中,您可能会感到有些拉扯、拉扯和/或轻微挤压。
CoolSculpting® 冷冻溶脂是一种非手术疗程,复原期最短。 我们的大多数患者在接受 CoolSculpting® 冷冻溶脂治疗后可以立即恢复日常活动。 这可能因人而异,也取决于治疗区域。
没有已知的副作用,但疗程后可能会出现一些发红、肿胀、瘀伤、紧实、刺痛、压痛、疼痛、瘙痒、皮肤敏感或麻木。 麻木可能持续长达数周。 颏下治疗后可能会出现喉咙后部的饱胀感。
Each treatment takes approximately 35 minutes. The targeted area is drawn into the applicator using vacuum suction and cooled to the optimal fat-freezing temperature.
The number of treatments varies based on individual needs and goals. A doctor will assess and recommend a suitable plan.
Some mild tenderness and a tingling sensation in the treated areas may occur but will subside over time.