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什么是 Thermage FLX™射频?

随着年龄的增长,我们每年都会流失大约 1% 的胶原蛋白。 皱纹、折痕、毛孔粗大、眼睑沉重、皮肤松弛和肤色不均都是胶原蛋白(和其他成分)流失引起的老化迹象。

Thermage 与您身体的自然本能合作,在胶原蛋白含量低的地方提高它们的水平。以这种方式“制造”的胶原蛋白持久、安全,而且最重要的是完全天然,因为它是由您自己的成纤维细胞产生的。

在 Lloyds 医疗集团,我们使用 Thermage FLX™ 是目前新加坡最新一代的 Thermage 射频 (RF) 器材,用于紧致皮肤和清晰定义的 3D 皮肤轮廓。 

它是获得 FDA 批准的首屈一指的非侵入性射频 (RF) 疗程,可有效抚平、紧致和塑造肌肤轮廓,让整体看起来更年轻。

Thermage FLX - Lloyds Medical Group

What Is Thermal Skin Tightening?

As we age, our skin loses approximately 1% of collagen each year, leading to wrinkles, fine lines, enlarged pores, heavy eyelids, and skin laxity.

Thermal skin tightening works with your body’s natural processes to stimulate collagen production, helping to restore firmer, smoother, and more youthful-looking skin. This collagen is naturally produced by your own fibroblast cells, making the results long-lasting and safe.

Thermal skin tightening is a non-invasive treatment that effectively smooths, tightens, and contours the skin for a more defined and youthful appearance.

Lloyds Medical Facial Treatment

How Does Thermal Skin Tightening Work?

As we age, collagen production declines, leading to sagging skin, fine lines, and wrinkles.

Thermal skin tightening uses advanced heat-based technology to safely warm the deeper, collagen-rich layers of the skin. This process stimulates collagen growth, leading to firmer, smoother, and more youthful-looking skin while improving the appearance of sagging or loose areas.

With no downtime, this treatment works in a single session and delivers natural, long-lasting results.

According to clinical research, improvements continue for up to six months after the procedure, with results lasting up to a year. However, individual outcomes may vary based on factors such as skin condition, age, genetics, lifestyle, and diet.

Who Is Thermal Skin Tightening Ideal For?

Thermal skin tightening is suitable for individuals looking to reduce signs of aging and improve skin firmness. It can help with:

  • Facial lines and wrinkles – including frown lines, Crow’s feet, nasolabial folds (lines from the nose to the corners of the mouth), and marionette lines (vertical lines from the mouth corners).
  • Sagging skin – on the face, jawline, and neck.
  •  Under-eye concerns – including sagging eye bags, fine lines under the eyes, and drooping upper/lower eyelids.
  •  Double chin and neck lines – improving definition and skin elasticity.
  •  Loose skin on the body – such as on the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks, as well as reducing the appearance of cellulite.

Thermage FLX™ 射频基于什么原理奏效?

Thermage FLX™ 使用专利技术 - 单极射频 (RF) 温和加热我们皮肤深层、富含胶原蛋白的层,使其收缩并促进生长,立即改善下垂或松弛皮肤的外观,让您拥有更光滑、 更坚定,更年轻的外观。 

Thermage FLX™ 射频能在一次疗程中起作用,并以最少的恢复期产生自然的结果。

Thermage FLX™ 射频是拥有以下老化迹象的理想治疗方案: 

Thermage FLX™ 射频相对与 Ultherapy® 微聚焦超声波

虽然 Thermage FLX™ 射频和 Ultherapy 都是美国 FDA 批准的并且在许多方面相似,在决定哪种疗程适合您之前,您应该注意这两疗程之间的一些差异。

Thermage FLX™ 射频使用的能量类型和 Ultherapy 用来促进胶原蛋白的形成是一个关键的区别。 Thermage FLX™ 使用的是射频,而超声波是用于在 Ultherapy。这种能量差异至关重要,因为超声波可以更深入皮肤层。

治疗区域也是Thermage FLX™ 射频和 Ultherapy的差异。如果你想针对颈部和肩部区域问题, Ultherapy 是首选的治疗方案,因为 Thermage FLX™ 射频无法治疗这些区域。 轻度至重度皮肤松弛的人也应考虑 Ultherapy。Thermage FLX™ 射频 会是个不错的选择若您想针对面部和颈部以外的问题。

我们建议您向我们咨询,以确定哪种治疗方案最适合您。 根据您的顾虑和偏好,我们可以帮助您确定是否 UltherapyThermage FLX™ 射频 更适合你。


每个疗程将需要 60 到 90 分钟,具体取决于治疗区域。

Thermage FLX™ 射频提供立竿见影的效果,随着您身体的天然胶原蛋白修复过程的发生,随着时间的推移将继续改善。

根据临床研究,效果在接下来的 4 到 6 个月内继续改善,可持续长达 18 至 24 个月。


为了充分利用疗程,我们建议在 2 年内进行 3 次治疗,以确保获得最佳、持久和可持续的效果。 然后,每 12 至 24 个月进行一次疗程即可轻松保持治疗效果,从而继续享受 Thermage FLX™ 射频提供的益处。

Thermage FLX™ 射频是一种无痛且耐受性良好的疗法。 当Thermage FLX™ 射频与您的皮肤接触时,您会感受到瞬间的清凉感。

然后在短时间内感觉到深度的热感,然后是伴随适度振动的清凉感。 在治疗期间,您可能会感到轻微的刺痛。


Thermage FLX™ 射频治疗几乎没有复原期。

一些患者可能会出现轻度发红或小肿胀,尽管这通常会在治疗后 24 小时内消失。


Thermage FLX™ 射频不能在抗皱纹注射前后 4 周内进行。


强烈建议在疗程后使用防晒霜。 定期涂抹并经常重复涂抹,以保护皮肤在治疗后免受阳光伤害。

治疗后,强烈建议您使用防晒霜。 疗程后,每天涂抹防晒霜,并根据需要重新涂抹,以防止皮肤受到阳光伤害。



每个疗程将需要 60 到 90 分钟,具体取决于治疗区域。

Results are visible immediately after treatment and continue to improve over time as the body’s natural collagen repair process takes place.

According to clinical research, results continue improving for 4-6 months and can last up to 18-24 months. Individual results may vary based on skin condition, age, genetics, lifestyle, and diet.

For optimal, long-lasting results, it is recommended to undergo 3 sessions over 2 years. Afterward, maintenance treatments every 12 to 24 months can help sustain the benefits.

Thermal skin tightening is generally well-tolerated and painless. Patients may experience:
✔ A cooling sensation when the device touches the skin.
✔ A deep heating sensation for a short moment.
✔ A tingling or stinging feeling, which is monitored for comfort.

There is little to no downtime. Some may experience mild redness or swelling, but this usually subsides within 24 hours. Most people can resume daily activities immediately.

✔ The treatment should not be performed within 4 weeks of anti-wrinkle injections.
✔ Makeup application, daily routines, and showering can continue as normal.
✔ Sunscreen is highly recommended after treatment to protect the skin from sun damage.

There are no known side effects from thermal skin tightening treatments.

Thermage FLX™ 射频 - 新一代


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