什么是 Potenza™ 射频微针?
PotenzaTM (Cynosure,马萨诸塞州,美国)是一种已获得美国 FDA(食品和药物管理局)批准的射频微针疗程。
PotenzaTM 射频微针使用发射射频能量的绝缘金微针促进皮肤中胶原蛋白的重塑和合成。

What is RF Microneedling?
RF Microneedling is an advanced skin treatment that combines microneedling with radiofrequency energy to stimulate collagen production and improve skin texture. This FDA-approved technology uses insulated gold microneedles to deliver controlled RF energy deep into the skin, promoting collagen remodeling and synthesis.

Potenza™ 射频微针基于什么原理奏效?
PotenzaTM 射频微针疗程使用超细针头和射频 (RF) 辐射穿透皮肤表层,触发身体的自然愈合本能,再生新的胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白。 与其他皮肤再生疗程不同,PotenzaTM 射频微针疗程可用于任何肤质、身体任何部位, 以及一年中任何时间。
- 嫩肤(细纹、皮肤松弛、皮肤暗沉)
- 消除暗疮疤痕
- 缩小粗大毛孔
- 消除腹部妊娠纹
为什么选择 Potenza™ 射频微针?
使用射频 (RF) 进行微针治疗并不稀奇,实际上这技术已使用多年,市场上有多种器材。之前我们已在自己的脸上对各种替代射频微针系统进行了测试。最终选择PotenzaTM 系统原因如下:
- 能为患者高度定制,具有 4 种治疗模式(单极 1MHz、单极 2MHz、双极 1MHz、双极 2MHz),10 种针尖选择
- 独特的融合尖端采用 Cushion Plus 技术,可产生真空驱动局部胶原蛋白刺激血清,在治疗过程中更深入皮肤以获得更好的效果
- 经过广泛的测试,我们自己认为最舒服,最不痛苦的是这个系统(我们的大多数患者也感觉不到微针)
How Does RF Microneedling Work?
This treatment utilizes ultrafine needles and RF energy to penetrate the skin’s surface, triggering the body’s natural healing process. It stimulates collagen and elastin regeneration, making it suitable for all skin types, any area of the body, and any time of the year.
RF Microneedling can address:
✔ Skin rejuvenation (fine lines, sagging skin, dullness)
✔ Acne scars
✔ Enlarged pores
✔ Abdominal stretch marks
Why Choose RF Microneedling?
RF Microneedling has been a trusted aesthetic treatment for years, with multiple systems available. After extensive testing, we selected this advanced system due to the following benefits:
✔ Customizable Treatments: Features four treatment modes (monopolar & bipolar at different frequencies) and 10 needle tip options for tailored results.
✔ Enhanced Serum Absorption: A unique fusion tip with Cushion Plus technology creates a vacuum effect, allowing deeper penetration of collagen-boosting serums for optimal outcomes.
✔ Minimal Discomfort: Compared to other RF Microneedling systems, this treatment is designed for maximum comfort, with most patients experiencing little to no discomfort.
This innovative treatment delivers firmer, smoother, and more youthful-looking skin with long-lasting results.
每个 Potenza™ 射频微针治疗疗程通常需要大约 20 – 30 分钟,具体取决于治疗区域。
最早在疗程后的 1 周就可以看到皮肤质量的改善,在完成整个疗程后 1 到 2 个月可以看到最佳效果,并持续 1 到 2 年(或更长时间若勤奋地使用护肤品)。
虽然 Potenza™ 射频微针的优势TM 与激光治疗相比,是它可以在任何肤质、身体任何部位、和一年中任何时间进行
- 身体安装起搏器
- 有瘢痕疙瘩形成
- 有活动性皮肤感染
为获得最佳效果,建议间隔 1 个月进行 3 至 6 次疗程。
您将感觉到轻微的刺痛感,大多数患者将其描述为几乎无痛。 由于个人对疼痛的忍耐性不同,我们的医生可能会使用麻醉霜使疗程更加舒适。
复原期非常短,您可以立即恢复正常活动,但疗程后您的脸可能会发红并感觉紧绷。 您将获得可在接下来的 3 天使用的恢复精华液以及保湿霜和防晒霜。 大多数患者回复他们的皮肤在 3 到 5 天后就已恢复。
PotenzaTM 射频微针通常是一个安全的程序。
Each session typically lasts between 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the treatment area.
Skin quality improvements can be noticed as early as one week after treatment, with optimal results appearing 1-2 months after completing the full treatment. Results can last for 1-2 years or longer with proper skincare.
One of the advantages of RF Microneedling over laser treatments is that it is safe for all skin types, can be performed on any area of the body, and is effective year-round.
However, this treatment is not suitable for individuals with:
❌ Pacemakers
❌ History of keloid formation
❌ Active skin infections
For best results, 3 to 6 treatment sessions are recommended, spaced one month apart.
Most patients describe the sensation as a light pricking feeling, with minimal discomfort. As pain tolerance varies, a numbing cream can be applied to enhance comfort during the procedure.
There is minimal downtime—you can resume normal activities immediately. However, your skin may appear red and feel tight post-treatment. A recovery serum, along with a moisturizer and sunblock, will be provided to aid healing. Most patients find their skin returns to normal within 3-5 days.
This procedure is generally safe. Temporary side effects may include slight bruising, mild pain, or swelling around the treated area, but these typically subside quickly.
Potenza™ 射频微针头 - 定制为了获得最佳效果