Hydrafacial at Lloyds Medical Group

什么是 Hydrafacial™ 飞水梭 - 水漾焕肤脸部护理?

Hydrafacial™ 飞水梭 - 水漾焕肤脸部护理的名称来自词根 - Hydrate:“导致吸收水分”。

Hydrafacial™ 飞水梭 - 水漾焕肤脸部护理去除死皮细胞和污染物,同时用清洁、保湿和滋润的溶液浸泡新肌肤。

Hydrafacial™ 水梭 - 水漾焕肤脸部护理使用独特的皮肤精华和促进剂,能够治疗所有皮肤问题,例如色素沉着、细纹、粉刺和黑头。

Hydrafacial™ 水梭 - 水漾焕肤脸部护理也比传统面部护理更安全。 Hydrafacial™ 水梭 - 水漾焕肤脸部护理提供一致的效果,因为它的有效性不依赖于治疗师。

Hydrafacial™ 水梭 - 水漾焕肤脸部护理具有零复原期,是我们客户中非常受欢迎的面部护理,尤其是在特殊节日之前。

Lloyds 医疗集团,我们使用最新的 HydraFacial MD® Elite 器材进行所有疗程。

HydraFacial - Lloyds Medical Group

What is a Hydrating Facial?

A hydrating facial deeply cleanses, exfoliates, and hydrates the skin while removing dead skin cells and impurities. At the same time, it nourishes the skin with solutions that contain cleansing, hydrating, and moisturizing properties.

Using specialized serums and boosters, this treatment effectively targets various skin concerns such as pigmentation, fine lines, acne, and blackheads. Unlike traditional facials, hydrating facials provide consistent results and are not dependent on therapist techniques.

With zero downtime, it is a popular choice for those looking to achieve a refreshed and glowing complexion, especially before special occasions.

HIFU at Lloyds Medical Group

Hydrafacial™ 飞水梭 - 水漾焕肤脸部护理基于什么原理奏效?

Hydrafacial™ 飞水梭 - 水漾焕肤脸部护理由适用于所有皮肤类型的四步过程组成:

第 1 步:清洁和去角质
第 2 步:酸液脱皮
第 3 步:提取
第 4 步:补水




为什么选择 Hydrafacial™ 飞水梭 - 水漾焕肤脸部护理?

Hydrafacial™ 飞水梭 - 水漾焕肤脸部护理让您的肌肤恢复活力,适合所有年龄和皮肤类型。

由于其创新性的专利技术,Hydrafacial™ 飞水梭 - 水漾焕肤脸部护理可提供一致的效果,无痛且复原期为零。只需一次疗程即可看到明显的皮肤改善。 Hydrafacial™ 飞水梭 - 水漾焕肤脸部护理还可以根据您的皮肤问题进行定制或与其他皮肤再生治疗相辅相成。

Hydrafacial™ 飞水梭 - 水漾焕肤脸部护理有助于:

How Does a Hydrating Facial Work?

Suitable for all skin types, a hydrating facial consists of a four-step process:

第 1 步:清洁和去角质
The face is cleansed and exfoliated with a solution that softens sebum and removes dead skin cells, preparing the skin for the next step.

Step 2: Gentle Acid Peel
A mild acid peel helps to loosen dirt and debris from the pores without causing irritation.

第 3 步:提取
Using a specialized suction technique, impurities and clogged debris are extracted from the pores.

第 4 步:补水
The final step involves saturating the skin with an antioxidant-rich solution that soothes, rejuvenates, and deeply hydrates for a refreshed, glowing complexion.

Why Choose a Hydrating Facial?

This skin rejuvenation treatment is suitable for all ages, skin types, and concerns. Using advanced technology, it delivers consistent and effective results.

The extraction process is gentle, making the procedure painless. With no downtime, you can see visible skin improvements after just one session. The treatment can also be tailored to your specific skin concerns.

Based on your skincare goals, we may recommend additional treatments to complement your hydrating facial.


✔ Improves acne-prone skin
✔ Reduces fine lines & wrinkles
✔ Enhances skin texture & tone
✔ Minimizes pigmentation & blemishes
✔ Deeply cleanses, hydrates & nourishes skin
✔ Reduces skin sensitivity
✔ Supports lymphatic detoxification


每次 Hydrafacial™ 飞水梭 - 水漾焕肤脸部护理疗程大约需要 45 到 60 分钟。


Hydrafacial™ 飞水梭 - 水漾焕肤脸部护理建议每月一次。 根据您的皮肤状况,您可能需要更多或更少的疗程。

Hydrafacial™ 水梭 - 水漾焕肤脸部护理可温和清洁您的皮肤并使您的皮肤恢复活力,而不会在疗程程中或手疗程后引起任何疼痛或不适。

我们的医生将首先评估您的皮肤状况,从三种不同的去角质强度、LED 光类型和涂抹器的吸力级别中选择最适合您皮肤类型需求的方案。

Hydrafacial™ 水梭 - 水漾焕肤脸部护理是一种快速有效的疗程。 这种感觉经常被描述为“在脸上移动的冷却刷”。 因为没有复原期,您可以在治疗后立即化妆并恢复日常活动。

Hydrafacial™ 水梭 - 水漾焕肤脸部护理没有已知的副作用。


Each session typically lasts around 45 minutes.

You can expect healthier, more youthful-looking skin after just one session.

A monthly session is the recommended frequency. However, the number of sessions may vary depending on your skin condition.

This treatment gently cleanses and rejuvenates the skin without causing any pain or discomfort. Before the procedure, our specialists assess your skin condition and customize the exfoliation strength, LED light type, and suction power to best suit your needs.

This is a quick and effective procedure, often described as feeling like a “cooling brush moving across the face.” Since there is no downtime, you can apply makeup and resume daily activities immediately after treatment.


我们的 Hydrafacial™ 水梭 - 水漾焕肤脸部护理客户体验

我们的 Hydrafacial™ 水梭 - 水漾焕肤脸部护理白金奖

Hydrafacial™ 的主席 Clint Carnell 制作了一个露面视频,祝贺我们和 Frank Lee 医生在 2020 年进行了 25,000 次 Hydrafacial™ 水梭 - 水漾焕肤脸部护理疗程。

Hydrafacial Certificate of Appreciation-Lloyds Medical Group
HERWORLD Spa Award 2019 for Lloyds Medical Group


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