Juvéderm® 填充剂

什么是 Juvéderm® 填充剂?

Juvéderm® 填充剂 是美国 FDA 批准的治疗方法,由美容注射剂的领导者 Allergan 生产。 Juvéderm® 填充剂具有光滑的凝胶状稠度,由玻尿酸 (HA) 制成。 HA 滋润和滋养肌肤,同时增加丰盈度、提亮和软化肌肤,使整体外观更加年轻。

Juvéderm® 填充剂系列中有多种产品,每种产品都具有不同的 HA 键合和浓度,可针对注射到不同区域和深度时的特定问题而量身定制。 Juvéderm® Voluma、Volift 和 Volbella 是最先进、用途最广泛且经久耐用的。

Juvéderm® 填充剂 Voluma 最常用于增加面部深层区域的体积,例如上颧骨,有时也用于鼻唇沟。

Juvéderm® 填充剂 Volift 旨在用于较浅的区域和皮肤较薄的患者。

Juvéderm® 填充剂 Volbella 通常用于唇部等娇嫩部位,在某些情况下还用于眼睛下方。

Juvedaerm by Lloyds Medical Group

What Are Facial Fillers?

Facial fillers are injectable treatments used to address signs of aging by restoring volume, smoothing wrinkles, and enhancing facial contours. These fillers contain hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally found in the skin that helps maintain hydration and elasticity.

There are different types of facial fillers, each with varying bonding and concentrations of hyaluronic acid. These differences allow them to target specific concerns based on the treatment area and depth of injection. Facial fillers have a smooth, gel-like consistency and are commonly used for facial rejuvenation.

  • Volumizing Fillers – Used to restore lost volume in deeper areas of the face, such as the cheekbones 和 nasolabial folds.
  • Superficial Fillers – Designed for more delicate areas and for individuals with thinner skin.
  • Lip & Eye Fillers – Typically used for lip enhancement and, in some cases, to improve the appearance of under-eye hollows.
Juvedaerm by Lloyds Medical Group

Juvéderm® 填充剂基于什么原理奏效?

Juvéderm® 填充剂通过使用玻尿酸 (HA) 作为其活性成分来增加面部组织的体积。 

玻尿酸 (HA) 是我们体内的一种天然物质,可促进结缔组织的生长,从而使我们的皮肤(胶原蛋白)丰满。

Juvéderm® 填充剂被注射到皮下以填充真皮的软组织。 玻尿酸 (HA) 立即增加面部组织的体积,减少细纹和面部褶皱的出现。

Juvéderm® 填充剂然后会被身体分解并最终消失。

为什么选择 Juvéderm® 填充剂?

Juvéderm® 填充剂比胶原蛋白更容易塑形和塑造,因为它更光滑。 使用 Juvéderm® 填充剂,可显着改善结块和不均匀形状。 

Juvéderm® 填充剂的使用寿命也比胶原蛋白长 3 倍,并且比传统的填充剂更柔软、更自然。  

Juvéderm® 填充剂有助于:

How Do Facial Fillers Work?

Facial fillers add volume to the skin by using hyaluronic acid (HA) as the active ingredient. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in the body that supports connective tissue growth and helps maintain skin hydration and elasticity.

When injected beneath the skin, these fillers provide instant volume, smoothing fine lines and reducing the appearance of facial folds. Over time, the body gradually breaks down the filler, and its effects naturally fade.

Why Facial Fillers?

Facial fillers are easier to shape and sculpt than collagen, as they have a smoother texture. They significantly improve lumpiness and uneven shapes.

Facial fillers can also last up to 3 times longer than collagen and are softer and more natural-looking than traditional fillers.

Facial fillers help:

  • 填补薄唇或皱折唇
  • 雕塑颧骨和下颚线
  • 减少眼下凹陷
  • 减少微笑线
  • 充盈双颊


Juvéderm® 填充剂注射在每个区域大约需要 15 分钟。 

Juvéderm® 填充剂疗程后,您可以立即看到结果。 当 Juvéderm® 填充剂软化并将水分吸入该区域时,您的外观将持续改善 1-2 周。

Juvéderm® 填充剂治疗的效果可能会持续 12 至 18 个月,具体取决于治疗的区域和数量以及您的皮肤状况。 例如,嘴唇等高度活动的部位通常需要在 6 个月后进行至少一次修饰处理。 12-18 个月后,动作较少的区域可能只需要额外的治疗。 经验表明,与初始校正相比,维护所需的 Juvéderm® 填充剂数量较少。

尽管使用了针头,但大多数患者发现非手术填充物治疗是可以忍受的。 一些 Juvéderm® 填充剂中含有少量利多卡因,可使该区域麻木并减轻疼痛和不适。 为了提高患者的舒适度,可以在手术前使用麻醉霜。

几乎没有复原期。 在 Juvéderm® 填充剂疗程后,您应该能够恢复日常活动。 然而,注射部位可能会有一些暂时的瘀伤和肿胀。

没有已知的副作用,但注射部位可能会出现一些瘀伤或肿胀,但这只是暂时的几天。 填充剂的存在也可能导致治疗区域感觉紧实或不同。 填充剂可能需要长达 2 周的时间才能与周围组织完全融合。


Facial filler injections typically take around 15 minutes per area.

Results are visible immediately after the treatment. As the filler settles and attracts moisture to the area, the appearance continues to improve over 1 to 2 weeks.

The effects of facial filler treatments can last between 12 to 18 months, depending on the treated area, the amount used, and individual skin conditions. Highly mobile areas, such as the lips, may require a touch-up after 6 months, while areas with less movement may only need maintenance after 12 to 18 months. Over time, smaller amounts of filler are typically required for maintenance compared to the initial treatment.

Although needles are used, most patients find the procedure tolerable. Some fillers contain lidocaine, a numbing agent that reduces discomfort. A numbing cream may also be applied before the procedure to enhance comfort.

There is little to minimal downtime. Most patients can resume daily activities immediately after treatment. However, there may be some temporary bruising or swelling at the injection site.

There are no known major side effects, but some patients may experience temporary bruising, swelling, or firmness at the injection site. It may take up to two weeks for the filler to fully blend with the surrounding tissues.How long does each facial filler treatment session take?


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