Sculptra® 填充剂

什么是 Sculptra® 填充剂?

Sculptra® 是半永久性聚-L-乳酸基填充剂 (PLLA)。

Sculptra® 填充剂,也称为聚乳酸,是一种生物相容、生物可吸收、免疫无活性的合成聚合物,已存在 20 年,并已被证明是安全的。

Sculptra® 填充剂刺激我们体内新胶原蛋白的产生,这有助于恢复面部体积。

传统的玻尿酸填充剂可以丰盈凹陷的面部并抚平皱纹,但 Sculptra® 填充剂并非如此。

此外,Sculptra® 填充剂还具有随着时间推移促进胶原蛋白生成的能力。

Sculptra at Lloyds Medical Group

What Is a Collagen Filler?

A collagen filler is an injectable treatment containing poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) that helps the body naturally produce new collagen to restore facial volume.

Unlike traditional hyaluronic acid fillers that provide immediate plumping, collagen fillers work deep within the skin to rebuild and strengthen its structure over time. This gradual process restores facial fullness and smooths out wrinkles and folds.

As collagen production increases, it also helps reduce fine lines, dark circles, eye bags, and other visible signs of aging, giving the skin a more youthful and refreshed appearance.

Sculptra at Lloyds Medical Group

Sculptra® 填充剂基于什么原理奏效?

胶原蛋白是一种纤维蛋白,为皮肤提供结构,存在于皮肤深层。 胶原蛋白有助于弹性蛋白和玻尿酸 (HA) 的功能,因此您拥有的胶原蛋白越多,您拥有的弹性蛋白和 HA 就越多。

弹性蛋白是一种弹性蛋白质,可以帮助我们的皮肤保持其形状,而 HA 则可以滋养和滋润皮肤。 两者对于保持年轻的容貌都至关重要,但随着年龄的增长,胶原蛋白流失和脂肪萎缩会导致面部出现明显的老化迹象,例如深皱纹、皮肤褶皱、脸颊凹陷、面容憔悴等等。

Sculptra® 填充剂是一种进化性的胶原蛋白补充程序,可帮助您的身体重建胶原蛋白。 它在皮肤深层而不是表面深处起作用,以修复皮肤的内部结构和体积。 当 PLLA 微粒被皮肤吸收时,它们有助于重建胶原蛋白链,从而有助于恢复脸部部体积,并随着时间的推移为深皱纹和可见的皮肤褶皱提供丰满度。

为什么选择 Sculptra® 填充剂?

Sculptra® 填充剂是一种非侵入性的疗程,可恢复面部体积并抚平皱纹,使患者外观更年轻,无需手术即可获得类似整容般的外观。 

Sculptra® 填充剂的效果是渐进的,因此产生更自然的外观,可维持长达两年,远远超过传统的填充剂。

Sculptra® 填充剂 有助于:

How Do Collagen Fillers Work?

Collagen is a fibrous protein found in the deep dermis that provides structure to the skin. Elastin helps maintain skin elasticity, while hyaluronic acid (HA) keeps the skin hydrated and nourished. Since collagen supports both elastin and HA, having more collagen means better skin firmness and hydration.

As we age, collagen loss and lipoatrophy lead to visible signs of aging, such as deep wrinkles, skin folds, sunken cheeks, and a tired appearance.

Collagen fillers help stimulate the body’s natural collagen production, unlike traditional fillers that only add volume. These fillers work deep within the skin to restore its inner structure and volume rather than just addressing surface concerns. The active ingredient, poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), is absorbed into the skin, where it gradually rebuilds collagen strands. Over time, this process helps restore facial volume, smooth deep wrinkles, and enhance skin firmness.

Why Collagen Fillers and What Are the Benefits?

Collagen fillers are a non-invasive treatment that help restore facial volume and smooth wrinkles, providing a natural, youthful appearance without the need for surgery. Unlike traditional fillers, collagen fillers work gradually, stimulating natural collagen production for long-lasting results—often up to two years, much longer than conventional fillers.

Collagen Fillers Help:

✔ Improve skin tone and texture
✔ Restore lost volume and collagen safely and effectively
✔ Reduce deep lines and wrinkles around the eyes, cheeks, mouth, lips, and neck


每次 Sculptra® 填充剂疗程通常需要大约 30 分钟,不包括准备和麻醉脸部的准备时间。

在 Sculptra® 填充剂疗程后,您可能会注意到由于液体注射而增加的体积效应,该效应应在 72 小时内消失。

在 Sculptra® 填充剂疗程后的前 4 周内,皮肤的厚度会自然增加,并将在接下来的 6 个月内继续增加,效果可持续长达两年。

Sculptra® 填充剂旨在用于一系列治疗,至少 3 次治疗或疗程间隔 2 至 4 个月。 此外,好处是显而易见的,但为了获得更大和更明显的效果,患者必须等待几个月,因为身体会产生更多的胶原蛋白。

尽管可能会有轻微的、可忍受的不适,但大多数患者描述说他们的体验比他们预期的要好。 与临时填充剂相比,Sculptra® 填充剂的好处是更自然、渐进和持久。

几乎没有复原期。 Sculptra® 填充剂疗程后,您应该能够恢复日常活动。 然而,在注射后的最初几个小时内,可能会有一些暂时的瘀伤和肿胀。



Each reatment session typically take around 30 mins, excluding preparation time to prepare and numb your face.

Following  treatment, you may notice a increased volume effect due to the liquid injection which should disappears within 72 hours.

Over the first four weeks after treatment, there is a natural rise in dermal skin thickness and will continue to increase over the next six months with results lasting up to two years.

Treatment is intended to be used in a series of treatments, with at least 3 treatments or sessions spaced 2 to 4 months apart. Furthermore, the benefits are noticeable right away, but for greater and more visible results, patient must wait a few months because the body would be in the midst of producing more collagen.

Although there might be a small, bearable discomfort, most patients report that their experience was better than they had anticipated. In comparison to temporary fillers, the benefits of treatment fillers are more natural, progressive, and long-lasting.

There is little to minimal downtime. You should be able to resume your daily activities after  treament. However there might be some temporary bruising and swelling for the first few hours after the injection.



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